大雁塔,位于西安市的建国公园内,是中国古代建筑的代表作之一。其高度为 64.5 米,底层边长为 37 米,共有七层,顶层为方形,四周各建楼阁。该塔最初为用于接待从印度取经的玄奘法师,后成为西安市的标志性建筑之一,也是世界著名的旅游景点。
The Great Wild Goose Pagoda is a famous Buddhist pagoda located in the city of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China. It was first built during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD) by the monk Xuanzang to house the Buddhist scriptures brought back from India by him and his fellow disciples.
The pagoda stands at 64 meters tall and has eight floors. Each floor is unique and features intricate carvings and decorations depicting various scenes from Buddhi***. The塔的外观是典型的中国古代建筑风格,由木结构和砖石构成。从远处看,它看起来像一个巨大的宝塔。
Today, the Great Wild Goose Pagoda is a major tourist attraction in Xi'an and attracts millions of visitors each year. It is also an important symbol of Chinese Buddhi*** and culture. Visitors can climb to the top of the pagoda for stunning views of the city and surrounding areas.
The Great Tang Dynasty Monastery 塔,位于中国西安市,是中国佛教历史文化遗产之一。它始建于公元 652 年,由著名佛教领袖玄奘法师主持修建,用以保存他从印度带回长安的佛教经卷和佛像。
塔身七层,高度约 64.5 米,底层边长 25.5 米,***用砖木结构,是中国古代佛教塔的杰出代表。大雁塔的建立,不仅促进了佛教在中国的传播,同时也为中印两国文化交流作出了巨大贡献。