1. 西安博物馆英文咋写?
  2. 陕西省西安市的英文名?


Shanxi History Museum was founded in June 1944 the history of Shanxi Province Museum, 1950 renamed the Northwest Historical Museum, in 1952 renamed the Northwest Museum of History, in 1955 in June renamed the Shanxi Provincial Museum.The history of Shanxi Museum of History highlights the ***earance of the Tang Dynasty style, Changan ancient emperors h***e history, there h***e been weeks, Qin, Han, Sui, Tang and other feudal dynasties in this capital, with rich underground artifacts, the formation of Shaanxi unique historical and cultural style. After the completion of the Shanxi Museum of History, concentrated collection of Shaanxi unearthed precious cultural relics more than 37 million pieces.


西安,英文译名“Xi'an”,旧时译作“Hsian”、“Sian”.其实我觉得以前应该是按照罗马发音来翻译的,有点点类似港澳台那边人名字的翻译.比如孙中山的罗马字译名应该写为 Sun Yat-sen,而不是汉语拼音的 Sun Zhongshan

Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province。


